Thursday 17 July 2014

SASS: size and shape specifier

Hand movements can be used to give a more detailed description of a particular object.


Auslan signbank. (n.d.). Retrieved from (

Minimal Pairs

Hand shape, orientation, location and movement are all used to differentiate signs. Subtle differences in any one of these can indicate something completely different. These similar signs which differ in small ways are called 'Minimal pairs' (Blyth & Onley-Zerkel, 2014).

Hand shape: the movement for INTERVIEW and COMMUNICATION are the same, but the hand shape differentiates the two:

Orientation: the sign for PAPER vs. DRUGS differs in that paper uses fists with the palms facing inwards, and drugs have the palms facing towards the signer.

Location: this is the lexicalised sign for BEAUTIFUL. The same sign, but starting from the chest and not the chin, means WELL

Movement: STOP and HELLO differ in their movements. Hello features an arm wave. Facial expression (non-manual feature) is also used to differentiate the two.

Blyth, J. & Onley-Zerkel, R. (2014). Workshop 6: Vocabulary and Lexicalised Signs [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from EDUC20076, University of Melbourne Blackboard Learn:

Descriptions in Storytelling

In English we give context and set a scene. When telling stories in Australian sign language, description adds a rich context and experience to the story, and allows the story to be more clearly visualised.

Description is often given using the lexicalised (as found in the dictionary) sign for an object, for example, car:

Then, depiction how the object looks, moves or feels using non-manual features and enactment.
For example, the following shows that the above 'car' was moving quite fast:

And depiction shows the action of a car overtaking another:

See how I'm describing a situation with my hands? These are not lexicalised signs, but depicting signs to describe what happened in the situation. The Non-Manual features (facial expression) indicate what sort of an experience it was for the driver. 

To meet, meeting

To meet. This signs two people meeting. If more than one person is meeting, it might be advantageous to use more than the two fingers, for example:

Introducing Oneself, and Fingerspelling

When introducing oneself, it is necessary to fingerspell one's name. Using the fingerspelling tool on the Auslan signbank, one can type in their name like so:

Then, to say where you come from, you use this sign:

Then use the sign for where you come from!
Using the Auslan signbank, you can use the numbers to say how old you are. Instead of the hand movement beginning at the chest (for example, 25 on its own), to indicate that you are talking about age, the hand shapes begin at the nose:

From the nose, the below video indicates "25 years old'

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Non-Manual features

Signs which are incorporated into the language, but do not use the hands are called Non-Manual features . Non-Manual features may include:

  • Facial expression 
  • Eye gaze
  • Mouth gestures 
  • Mouthing of English words
  • Movements of head and body 
Often, these non-manual features are combined with hand-actions to produce meaning. This combination of elements has been called called 'multi-channel signs'. (Johnston & Schembri, 2007, p98)

Johnston, T., & Schembri, A. (2007). Australian sign language (Auslan): an introduction to sign language linguistics. Macquarie University ResearchOnline.

Tuesday 15 July 2014


For example, an old house. 
Facial expression signifies HOW old